We are pleased to announce that the court's website transitioned to a new domain https://www.fultonsuperiorcourtga.gov/ on December 2, 2024. If you visit our website using the old domain name, you may notice that you are redirected to the new domain automatically. Please do not be alarmed; this is a planned transition. We encourage you to update any bookmarks or saved links. The old domain will redirect to the new domain for the next year to provide a smooth transition.
Wireless Internet Access
Fulton County offers wireless internet access throughout the court complex. To access this service please do the following:
Connect your laptop or other mobile device to the FULTON COUNTY PUBLIC network (an unsecured network).
You will be redirected to the Fulton County Guest Wireless Welcome page.
Check the small box in the middle of the page.
Read the terms and conditions and click the "I Accept" button at the bottom of the page.